Sunday, September 6, 2020

Exactly One Year Ago

 I've been missing Spain a lot lately. I miss exploring the cities. I miss the simple and delicious food. I miss the streets that tell the stories of its history. I miss my friend Álvaro and our adventures. I miss my friends from the bible study I went to in Toledo. I think you get my point, right? 

 Today, I went church at the Hispanic ministry that I have been going to since January. I learned about the story of Esther, helped lead worship, and talked to the people there. Afterwards, I had lunch with my friend, Jennifer. We ended up going to Central Mesa, a restaurant in the downtown area of Tuscaloosa that has Latin American and Spanish food, with a twist. I saw Shrimp Paella on the menu and got excited. Jennifer said that sounded good, so we got it to share. 

 I explained to her what paella is in detail and what it is like in Spain. I also explained the difference between Spanish in Latino America and in Spain because she is learning Spanish (and rockin' it!). Our dish came and even though it was not an authentic version of paella in any way (Sorry, Álvaro!), I was still glad to get a taste of Spain. 

 Later, after we paid and said goodbye, I realized that it has been exactly one year since I took my first step in what would soon become my favorite city, Toledo. Wow. That is wild. 

 One year? Really? Yep, one year ago I was wide-eyed and ready for a semester immersed in Spanish and living in Europe. Now, here I am with stories to tell. 

 I love telling stories. I really do. I'm not very good at it, though. Just ask my family. I go all over the place. I often explain something that I haven't even introduced yet in the story. Then, I have to go back and explain myself.  But, I still enjoy telling the stories, even if it takes a while. That's why I started this blog. To tell stories. 

 I know there's a joke about how when you come back from study abroad, it gets annoying when so many people ask how it was. But, I love when people ask about my trip! I love telling them my stories that I brought back with me! 

 I miss Spain so much. I wish I could go back. And I will go back! One day... But, for now, it's time for me to tell my stories. 
