Sunday, October 29, 2023

Alabanza... en una diferente manera

    Hello! This week's question is one of this/ that. Pumpkin spice or apple cinnamon? It's a hard one for me... both? Is that an option? Yeah, it is. It's my question, so I'll allow it. X D 

   God spoke to me about different things about what worship really is through times of worship and the lectures for the discipleship training school. Worship is usually the time in a church service with music and singing, but God desires for us to know that it is so much more than that. At its core, worship is adoration, sacrifice, and obedience. 

    One of the sweetest things about the past few weeks has been our times of worship. I've realized that I have been more present than ever before in group worship settings. I think it's really neat the way that we spontaneously praise the Lord and pray to Him. I've been doing this a bit too, which is not normal for me. I usually stick with the expectations of singing the lyrics on the screen and I think a lot about what people might think about me. But I've been letting go more and letting the praise flow from my heart, from my knowledge and experience of the faithfulness of my good Father. It is such a precious thing to adore the One who sustains us. He is so worthy of all praise. 

God's awesomeness and power... I see it every morning and every night on the front porch of the villa. The incredible sunrises and sunsets. And I think, "wow, God. You created all of this."

    When I walked into lecture this week, I was surprised that we talked about the responsibilities of a priest. The connection wasn't very clear to me at first, but then I began to understand that worship involves sacrifice. When we worship God, there is something that we give up. My friend said at the end of the week that, "worship always involves sacrifice." This could simply be our time. Putting aside the things on our to-do list to sit and praise the Lord. Or our comfort. Maybe someone is not very comfortable talking about Jesus in conversations or singing around people. Worship is stepping out of the comfort zone to bring honor to Christ's name. 

    "After consulting the people, Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the Lord and praise him for the splendor of his holiness as they went out at the head of the army, saying, 'Give thanks to the Lord, for his love endures forever.'" 2 Chronicles 2:21 This was one of the passages we read as examples of people in the bible worshipping God. 

    Our last time discussing worship ended in a couple of videos and encouragements to pursue a lifestyle of missions. I was a little thrown off by the fact that many of the speaker's lectures were related to missions and following your calling to go to the ends of the earth to share the gospel, but as I think more about it, it actually fits. This seemingly unrelated topic is the result of saying "yes" to what God calls us to do. Worship is obedience. When we praise his name and sacrifice our own desires for him, the end result in obedience. But before we come to the point where we act in obedience, we first have to sit in awe of who he is... his holiness and grandeur. His power, yet gentleness. His kindness and mercy. Out of this awe of him flows obedience, knowing that He has the best plans in mind.  

    While it's important to recognize sacrifice and obedience as a part of worship just as adoration is, it is also important to know that music is not have to be the only way to take part in worshipping the Savior. We have a time here called "processing time" here at the discipleship training school. This past week's time was a creative outlet to express how the Lord has spoken to us. As we were creating and processing, we were worshipping the Lord, responding to his nature and character by meditating on his word, writing scripture, and drawing symbols that remind us of his love. It is good to know that we can worship in different ways. Because not everyone is musically gifted, or even comfortable singing and playing instruments. 

This is worship. Making pumpkin muffins to share with friends on a Sunday morning when I had originally planned to use the mix from home for myself.

This is worship. reflecting on God's goodness through painting, drawing, writing, and making a collage.

~Kthnxbai! (That's all, thank you for reading! And I'll see you again next week... to tell you about my weekend in Toledo! : D)

Monday, October 23, 2023

Found in Translation

    Hey! So, one thing I'd love for this blog is some interaction. It would make me feel more connected to home. So, I'm going to start with a fun question that you can respond to in the comment section! You could also respond to whatever I'm writing about if you'd like. Where is your favorite beach? We went to the beach on Saturday unexpectedly. I had a though that I think that was the most fun that I'd ever had at the beach without being very prepared... I was in jeans and sneakers! But I was with good company. Anyway, I think of that question because the beach on the Mediterranean shore is quite different from what I'm used to on the Atlantic and Gulf shores. So, which beach that you've been to is your favorite? 


    At the beginning of this adventure in Spain, I was asked to translate for a couple of speakers who are coming to teach for the discipleship school that is happening here. I said that I would do it and thought that it sounded like a great opportunity to serve. This past week, I got to translate for a speaker for a Brazil, but also for a couple of other occasions, such as the kids' day care at a conference we helped with. I enjoyed the times I had to translate but also learned a few important things throughout these times. 
The evening view from the villa

    When I took a class on bilingualism about a year ago, I learned about just how much of a special ability translating and interpreting require. Knowing both languages fluently is often not enough to successfully interpret for a long period of time. You need to be able to know a wide vocabulary in both languages and to be quick to think and speak before the next phrase is to be said. This made me a bit nervous about translating, but I actually really enjoyed being the bridge between the communicator and the listeners. I liked searching for the right word in the moment that fits what the communicator is likely trying to say. There is also something about being able to hear the message and understand it before anyone else can, especially in the case of the speaker from Brazil. The speaker taught on intercessory prayer last week. I got to interpret a few of her stories of how God put this passion on her heart and how he used her to speak to people in her community. I felt so honored to be able to hear these amazing stories firsthand and to be of help so that the listeners could understand her teachings. 

    While it was fun to interpret, it was also a struggle at times. A staff member came to me one day last week and asked if he could "borrow me for translation". I had no idea why or what for, but I said sure, quickly asked God for wisdom and the right words, and walked with him outside. There were two guys by their van with a bunch of fire extinguishers on the ground, some of which were still in their boxes. I ended up being the mediator between the staff member and the security company that sold equipment like fire extinguishers (I honestly don't know what you would actually call that.) It went well overall, but there were a couple of times when I responded with, "... Como? Puedes repetirlo?" He spoke so fast and with an unfamiliar accent that I couldn't keep up well. The last lecture I interpreted for involved a lot of scripture. Because of that, I realized that it is hard for me to interpret multiple numbers at a time. Sometimes, she would say a reference and I'd interpret the sentence involving the scripture and ask what the reference was. Even though that was difficult to do, it was nice to have a couple of Spanish speakers in the room to help me out. 

    Through the help of other people and words of encouragement, I was reminded of how sweet the community around me is. After the first lecture that I interpreted for, many people thanked me for interpreting and said that I did a great job. That was so kind of them, and I'd even say it was helpful because I was nervous about it before. I also got to translate for my friend from the Netherlands and a new friend from Brazil. As the Brazilian and I spoke Spanish with me, my Dutch roommate walked up to say hello. I was the bridge between the two because my roommate doesn't speak Spanish, and our new friend doesn't speak English. We were all glad to meet each other and have a fun conversation. My friend from Brazil was very thankful that I could help. It was also neat that we continued to have conversations as she joined the kitchen team to wash the dishes from our coffee break. 

    This was definitely a cool theme of my past week. It was so neat that I got to learn, struggle, and enjoy interpreting for different situations. Interpreting for the kids we were teaching and taking care of for the weekend was something special. I mostly translated the story of Esther while the kids drew a scene from the story, and then again while we sat on the beach. Most of the kids were bilingual in English and Spanish, but a couple of them only spoke Spanish. Since the leader was more confident telling the bible story in her native language, I interpreted the phrases she'd say in English. I realized this was special to me as we prayed for God to move and speak to the children. I'm so glad that we were able to go and serve because they might remember a few things they learned about God's immense love for them this weekend and hold on to it for their salvation. 

"Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered." Romans 8:26

I think of this verse because we talked about this verse a lot when discussing prayer. But also, it reminds me that the Spirit helps me, even with translation.


Sunday, October 15, 2023

La clase de los niƱos

    So, I skipped a week of blogging because I was sick for the weekend. Despite being sick, missing out on some fun things, and falling behind on lesson planning and other important things, the last few weeks have been great! God has been doing so much here. One of those things is the kids' class that my friends and I are leading. The Lord has been guiding us through the unknown of how this class will end up going. 

    Before our first class, we kept saying how we didn't know a lot of things, like how many kids the Lord would bring or the ages of the kids. We gathered to pray a few minutes before the class. I felt strangely comforted by the assurance that we can pray to God about the unknown because he does know. He knew how many kids would come and their ages. And he knew their needs and desires. That was enough. It always is enough. God is enough for us in our planning and leading. 

     Only two kids came to our class, but we got to spend time with them and get to know them, and that was what we were there to do. We drew and presented our drawings, which were all about ourselves. I translated whenever needed, which was such a neat opportunity. They seemed to really enjoy being there. They were so precious, and I'm so glad that they came. That we got to love them and spend time with them. 
My new friend loves to draw! She drew another picture when we were all done drawing and gave it to me. (The black scribble was not hers. I edited it to take out her name. ( : )

    The next class, we thought maybe we would have more kids come, but it was just the same two kids. They came in with smiles, excited to be back. We played Jenga, Pictionary, and then read them a story while we had a snack. I read the story out loud in Spanish, which was a story by Max Lucado, called "You Are Special", which uses a story about wooden people and their maker to remind kids that what the Creator thinks of them is really what matters. As I turned the pages, I silently asked God to plant seeds in these precious children's hearts of God's great love for them. 

Our list of new words in Spanish and English!

    It's in the little precious moments that I am thankful for this opportunity that I have been given to show love to these kids. When we are simply having a good time... laughing and smiling as we draw for people to guess and try to pull out a block from the unstable tower. And when one of the kids draws a picture, hands it to me, saying, "para ti" I'm looking forward to the Wednesday evenings now, because my friends and I get to share God's immense love for these kids with them. I'm also reminded every now and then that God is in control of what we don't know and can't control. We can just take the unknown to him and ask for wisdom. He won't let us down. I want to approach every class with the question of, "What does God want us to do in the class today?"


Sunday, October 1, 2023

Gracia a Gracia // En todos tiempos

    Of all the things I am learning and growing in here, one of the sweetest is the abundance of grace that Jesus continues to lavish upon me day to day. Through conversations, vulnerability, prayer, and scripture, I've been reminded of this important truth. I've also been reminded of how I am so in need of God's grace. 

    One powerful way of seeing God's grace is by receiving it from those around us. Forgiveness given along with second, third, and fourth chances is out of the experience of being given grace. I think it's beautiful to see and be a part of a love in community that forgives and lavishes grace on each other. 

    Being vulnerable offers something necessary towards this lesson of grace. When in community, being vulnerable shows each other that we are not alone. It shows that we are all in need of God's grace. I have learned that God's grace extends to us even when we are filled with fear. He longs for us to surrender to him, but his embrace is still there even when we hold back from him. That's a truth that I have to be constantly reminded of. A friend was open about her struggles this week, which spoke to me (and another friend!) in a way that she could not have anticipated. Being in community is so important because we can remind each other of God's abundant grace. 

A relevant verse for the week...
"'My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.' So now I am glad to boast about my weakness, so that the power of Christ can work through me."
2 Corinthians 12:9

    It's a hard lesson, but it's so good to know that God's grace is important and abundant. I am thankful for this past week and the team to remind me of these things. I hope to lean into God's grace even more instead of running away because of my unworthiness. But I know that there is grace even when I do run. That is the mind-blowing part to me: that he is still close even when I feel like running away. 

    Lastly, I'll end with a song recommendation. One that came into my repeating queue during my time with Jesus. It is called, "Times" by Tenth Avenue North. A throwback, but the lyrics still hold true. 

Here is my favorite part: 

"I hear you say 
'My love is over
It's underneath
It's inside 
It's in between
The times that you doubt me
When you can't feel
The times that you question
'Is this for real?'
The times that you're broken
The times that you mend
The times you hate me
And the times that you bend
Well, my love is over
It's underneath
It's inside
It's in between
The times that you're healing
When your heart breaks
The times that you feel like you've fallen from grace
The times you're hurting 
The times that you heal
The times you go hungry and you're tempted to steal
In times of confusion
In chaos and pain
I'm there in your sorrow under the weight of your shame
I'm there through your heartache
I'm there in the storm
My love, I will keep you by my power alone
I don't care where you've fallen
Or where you have been
I'll never forsake you 
My love never ends
It never ends'"
Some beautiful pictures of the sky. If you know me, you probably know that one of my favorites of God's creation is the sky. Sunsets, full moons that are PINK (!), sunrises, and the sun shining on the beach. Me asombra todo. Me asombra Dios. 
