Friday, September 27, 2019

On Purpose

 Sometimes it's the little things that show me God's great glory. This morning, after my run, my roommate, Gleida, woke up and asked if I had eaten breakfast yet. I told her I hadn't and she said "Okay, tell me when you do and I'll join you". Then, she went back to sleep under the covers. Just the fact that she wanted to join me for breakfast warmed my heart. I loved it. 

 This is the second time that Maggie and I found something awesome on accident, just by exploring and walking aimlessly throughout Toledo! This morning, Maggie asked if I wanted to explore, so we went after breakfast. We discovered an art gallery displaying tons of expositions. They were so amazing! We lost count of how many times we said, "Whoa!". The artwork kept going and going. There were so many floors with so many rooms filled with art! 

 I love this one because you can tell that the girl is reading Don Quixote. You can see what she is imagining in the background from the words in the story, taking her to another world.

 This is a painting of a reflection of a metro sign in Madrid. 

 We walked by the University of Castilla-La Mancha. It is only one of the buildings. The architecture of this one is really neat!

 We look through a few stores close to the foundation. There is a store called Natura that I discovered and I love it! It reminds me of Francesca's or Anthropologie. I bought a soft and cute sweater that was only 15 euros. 

 We also randomly walked into a book store. It has four floors, each with a different genre of books! It's called Hoja Blanca. This is one of the places I found when I was researching places in Toledo over the summer. It was cool to finally check it out! 

 After lunch, doing laundry, homework, and taking a nap, I went to a bible study at the Presbyterian Church. 

 Wow, I love sunsets! Look at the sky. So beautiful. 

 The bible study wasn't what I was expecting. It seemed to me that it was more like another sermon. It was hard for me to pay attention since it wasn't interactive and it was at the end of the day. 

 But, we sang hymns that everyone seemed to know and that was really sweet and cool. The hymns that we sing are so interesting to me. The fact that everyone knows the melodies without any background music is super cool. They have all been singing them for years and continue to do so. I love the lyrics of many of them too. One hymn we sang said, "I want to learn more of Jesus, to know more of his grace, more of the love that he gives me, more of the cross on which he died."

 I talked to a lot of people in the end. I love talking to the people there. They are so kind and attentive. They seem so authentic, like they actually want to know about me and how I am doing. 

 The theme of the bible study tonight was that God is always in control. His plan includes every little detail. As I think of today, and how we accidentally discovered some super cool things, I realize they weren't accidents. Sure, we didn't plan them, but God did. It was on purpose. He uses the little things so we can see the big things. When we understand that, we can see how God orchestrates our interactions so that we may grow closer to him. It's amazing. It really is. 


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