Friday, December 20, 2019

Sweet Home Alabama

 I slept in until 10 am on Monday. It was such wonderful rest. My mama made me some cheddar grits for breakfast. It tasted like home and happiness.


 We all went out to PF Chang's, one of our favorite restaurants, for lunch.

 My mom and I went to Trader Joe's after lunch. I had missed the flavors and fun of Trader Joe's so much!

 When we got back home, I wrapped some gifts that I got in Spain for my family. Luke tried to peek at them before I wrapped them and I had to push him out of the room. It really took no time for us to start bothering each other as if we've been around each other for the last few months.

 People told me little of reverse culture shock. I didn't pay much attention to it because I didn't think it would really happen to me. I mean, it's home, so I would just fully appreciate it when I come back, right? Not exactly. I've noticed the little differences, like how plastic bags are used more here and how drive-thru is a thing here. I've also noticed the deep southern accents here much more. It sounds so weird and so foreign to me now. These differences make me miss being in Spain so much because I made many friends in Spain and discovered so many neat places there. The people there are so kind and care-free.

 Even though being here again is weird, I love that I am with my family. Going to see Star Wars together, raking leaves and listening to music with Luke, entertaining Auggie with my mama, and laughing with my dad were fantastic. All of these moments from this week are so precious. I am going to focus on the present, spending time with my family and friends, instead of longing to be where I was last week. I will treasure what I have now.


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