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Sunday, December 24, 2023

Fiestas y Mas Fiestas

    As I reflect on my time in Spain, I can't help but feel joyful and thankful to God for all that he has taught me and done for me. A couple of weeks ago, a guest speaker at the villa brought important reminders to my mind. He actually encapsulated what I love about this team in a single statement. He said, "I've noticed that you all just love parties! We had a party last night, there's a party tonight, and there are two more later this week!" I had been thinking about that a couple days before when a friend and I were talking about it. But, when the speaker said it aloud, a feeling of thankfulness to be a part of the team came suddenly. I was proud that we love parties. We love celebrations. We love coming together to share meals and celebrate each other. I think that's how it should be! Because the Lord celebrates over us. I was reminded that the Lord loves celebrations. The parties throughout the week were my going away party with the Spanish class students, the Christmas/ goodbye party with the English students, a going away party for a friend who will begin her D-school soon, a birthday party for a different friend, and my going away party at the house with friends. Wow. Lots of things going on that week! 

    I was amazed by how many gifts I received at these parties. Gifts from students and friends. Such kind people and gestures. During the party with the Spanish classes, I was given a few meaningful gifts from another volunteer teacher at the center, including a seashell from Torremolinos with my name on it. After I was given these gifts, one of the students there felt moved to give me her ring from her collection as a gift. I was so surprised and honored. At the end of our Christmas/ end-of-semester party, my students brought me a couple of presents for me to open. I opened a few things like a mug, a planner, and tiny decorative winter tree, but my favorite of all their gifts was the framed collage of some pictures we took together. It was so thoughtful for everyone to give me gifts. I feel so appreciated. 

Opening my gifts from my students

    My friends who were living at the villa with me threw a going away party for me. It was a different kind of party, but it was my kind of party. I thought it was perfect for me, especially for the time. I had spent all day packing to come back home, so I appreciated how relaxed, yet fun the party was. It felt like another day at the villa, but more focused on me. We played some games, had dinner, and ice cream together. It was such a simply sweet time that I'll always remember. My party was perfect. perfect for me. the time. the people. Me alegro. But... yeah, should've gone to bed earlier. But it's okay. I made it to the airport on time the next morning.

   I'll conclude this last post with a few updates... My friend who was in a tough situation now has her passport! She had lost her purse and when she got it back, she found her passport inside it! Yes! We are so thankful! Another thing is that I will be teaching English at the UA English Language Institute starting this next January. I'm so excited to meet the students and start something new! 

    My time in Spain was so so sweet. And the last week was fun. It made me happy that my friends there were intentionally creating some last memories together. Goodbyes were difficult... there were no tears until the plane. I sat on the plane with tears streaming down my face as I thought about the sweet friends I was leaving. I'm going to miss these people. but I'm so thankful for this time and excited for what's next. I know that God will continue to mold me and pursue me. Thank you! thank you for reading and praying. 

    And now I've been soaking up the times I've had to spend with friends and family in Birmingham, Tuscaloosa, Northport, and Pensacola. I've loved being with my Josiah again. I missed him a lot. He's sweet. I've also loved spending time with Luker. Yeah, my brother, Luke... I don't know why I always call him Luker... but I missed spending time with him. He's awesome. And makes me laugh a lot. 

A Saturday morning with my sweet Josiah.
Breakfast with Luke!

Well, here's the end of my adventures in Spain. I might continue to write... I don't know. What do you think? Dime. Let me know what ya think in the comments. 

Oh, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 


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