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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Last Saturday in Toledo

 I had my last typical breakfast of the semester which was pieces of bread with strawberry jelly and a glass of water this morning.

 Maggie gave me a rewards card for Starbucks a while ago, and I finally got a free drink after buying four. I went to Starbucks for a free hazelnut hot chocolate- my new favorite- which I didn't know came with tears. I sat there with my huge mug filled with hot chocolate and reflected on last night and the semester I'd spent going on adventures and meeting awesome people. I cried because this was my last drink in this two-story Starbucks. I cried because the next day, I was going to fly out of the country I'd called home for the last three months. I cried because this was my last full day in Toledo. 

 When I decided to go back to my room to start packing, I realized that this was going to be a mess. I had bought so many things throughout the semester for me and my friends and family. I have a lot more stuff than I did on the flight to Madrid. I honestly don't know how everything fit in my suitcase, backpack, and carry-on bag. 

 A theme that I can't get enough of lately is seeing the close of circles that began in September. These are my shirts from my two schools in Alabama and Spain. On September 3rd, I wore my UA Study Abroad t-shirt on the flight to Madrid. I planned to wear my FOM shirt on the flight to Atlanta. I thought it was cool that they are Christmas colors. I am so sad that this semester in Spain has to come to a close, but I am absolutely excited for Christmas. I can't wait to drink hot chocolate with my family and praise the Lord for the gift he has given us. 

 Once I finished packing, did my laundry, and took a nap, I met Álvaro for the final time this semester. We were going to go to a Christmas concert that his friends were going to sing in. I invited some of my friends from the University of Castilla-La Mancha who are from the United States. 

 This is a model of Bethlehem that was on display in a tiny church. He told me that it is tradition for people to build models and compete to have the best one. We tried to find baby Jesus and were surprised to find that he wasn't in the center. 

 We had a while until the concert was supposed to start, so I showed him the gallery that I had been to with Maggie twice this semester. This artist really liked painting hamburgers. It was really interesting. I loved the painting of a ladybug. 

 We met with my friends and went to the concert. It was really awesome. There were very few songs I recognized, but the choirs were really good. I loved when they sang in round. 

 One of my favorite things about the concert was that it was in a beautiful, historic church. Whenever I've gone to a holiday concert in the United States, it has been in a modern church or a school, which is nice, but here, it was such a different and special experience at such a neat church in Toledo.

 My friends left when the concert ended. I had met them two weeks ago. That just didn't make for enough time to spend time together and get to know each other. But, I know that God's timing is the best, so I'm reminding myself of that every time I feel sad about leaving them.

 After the concert, there were churros, and everyone was there to have a few to dip in chocolate and snack on with friends. As soon as I walked in, I thought about how I didn't want to leave because this was just so sweet. There were so much laughter and joy filling the room. A group of three or four ladies from one of the choirs was still singing. They were clapping and singing out loud their favorite Christmas carols. It was such a sweet and precious moment. 

 Álvaro and I walked back to the FOM and we said goodbye after I gave him a little Christmas gift. We said we will definitely keep in touch. I hope we can see each other again. This friendship is really special. 


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