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Thursday, December 19, 2019

I'm Going Home

 I woke up this morning at 5:30 and got dressed, grabbed my suitcase, backpack, and carry-on bag, and got on the bus to head to the Madrid airport. I cried a few times on the bus for two reasons. I am so sad that all of this incredlibe experience in Spain has come to its end. It seems like it went by so fast. I also cried tears of joy because I was going to see my family by the end of day. I hadn't been with my family since the beginning of September. We have a lot of laughing and catching up to do.

 When I got to the desk to get my boarding pass, I have to go to a different desk to which I had to walk a long way to pay for my really heavy suitcase. It took a while, but fortunately, I got to the airport four hours before my flight, so I had time to spare.

 I've been seeing just about every cool little moment as symbolic lately. The pom-pom came off of my purse on the first day in Spain. In the last few weeks, I've noticed that another one was just about to come off because it was hanging by a thread or two. It finally fell off this last Sunday, the day of the flight back to the United States at the airport. I'm not sure what it would symbolize but it's cool. 

 I got a pineapple, mango, and carrot smoothie and an almond granola bar at a cute and fancy café at the airport. 

 I had this whole row to myself on the way to London! So awesome! 

 I thought that the cross in the distance was super cool. 

 I've said it once it the beginning of this blog, and I'll say it again: Airplanes are so cool! Clouds are also so cool! I love looking out of the window to find endless cities in the sky made up of clouds. It is so amazing, especially when there are beautiful sunrises or sunsets.

 In the next two pictures, you can spot the London Eye and Tower Bridge. So, I was in London for about two hours on Sunday. I didn't take a step out of the airport, but I still got to fly over a neat view of London. That was pretty awesome. 

 I exchanged some euros for dollars and got a pound and some pence back too! They're shiny and kind of pretty. I paid for a BLT wrap with it for lunch. 

 I'm a world traveler. I love that. 

 I played Tetris to entertain myself on this super long flight. There was a little game controller that came out of the seat in front of me! 

 Dinner wasn't bad! I had chicken and vegetables, bread, quinoa and peppers, and a really delicious salted caramel chocolate pudding. 

 Did you know? I didn't.

 When I got super bored and annoyed because I just wanted the flight to end, I liked seeing where we were. It was really neat! 

We got a little treat! We got a lot of treats! A little too much in my opinion... 

 Wow... just look at that. So pretty. It was much better in person, looking out the window of the plane, of course. 

 At 7:00pm, I landed in Atlanta. After going through customs, finding my suitcase, finding my family, and riding in the car to Birmingham, I finally got to go to sleep in my bed.  


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