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Sunday, December 29, 2019


 It's crazy to say that I've been to five countries in the past 4 months. It was such an incredible experience. Before I left for Spain, God whispered to me that I was in for change. I wasn't sure what it meant, but I was all in. Now, I can look back and see that God taught me so much while I studied abroad in Europe. These are the important things I have learned this semester. I hope to take them with me to apply them to whatever God brings in 2020.

 1. My God is so faithful.

 2. If my roommates are bothering me, I should talk to them about it. It's worth a try for compromising. 

 3. "Making a present is sharing a part of us that really fills and gives us joy." -Álvaro

 4. God wants all of me, with all of my attention on him. 

 5. Paris has amazing, creamy hot chocolate, especially on a cold and rainy day. 

 6. The people in Barcelona really did not like the Milá family's house when it was built. They called it La Pedrera because it looked like stone because of the color and features. Today, it is recognized as a work of art by Gaudí. 

 7. When I am anchored in the moment, I can better see God's glory and see my worries less. 

 8. Spaniards love spending time together, especially when it involves something good to eat. 

 9. Churros and porras are two different things. Churros are smaller than porras, but they are both dipped in dark chocolate. Also, they are both so delicious. 

 10. God brings friends in my life just when I need them. 

 11. Crying with others by your side is so important, even if they're a guest for the weekend. 

 12. I'm gonna get homesick while abroad. It happens. 

 13. Sometimes, practicing languages and meeting new people means being brave. 

 14. Right now, this stage of life that I am in is the development of my life. 

 15. It is so important to be kind, because that could be the only bit of kindness that they have encountered in a while. 

 16. "Your side quest may lead to your main quest."-Wade Langer

 17. "You can only obey God and be complete." -Shelley Giglio

 18. Vulnerability is a beautiful and scary thing.

 19. There is so much to explore in one city, even when you think you've seen it all.

 20. Going for tapas is just a fun thing to do during dinner time. It's not at a separate time.

 21. Playing music is so important to me but I don't lose everything when I can't do it for a while.

 22. The details of the effort someone makes for another show just how much they really care.

 23. My brother and I have an irreplaceable and special relationship. He is growing up to be a kind and smart man.

 24. When I depend on my best friend, being without them feels weird.

 25. When I am thankful, I let the little annoying things go, allowing me to be truly joyful.

 26. Sometimes you just need to sing a good old Reik song with some friends.

 27. I'm not in it alone.

 28. The Lord's timing is perfect. Always.


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