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Monday, November 27, 2023

Da gracias en todo. Giving thanks in everything.

Hola a todos!! What's something interesting you've learned this past week? Today, I leaned that the average life span of an olive tree is 800 years. Whoa. That's amazing! Comenta lo que has aprendido. I'd love to see in the comments! 

    I've always loved that there is a certain holiday and season for being thankful. I've really enjoyed making a list of things I'm thankful for. But this Thanksgiving was different. It was different for several reasons. I wasn't with my family. I was in Spain. I tried new foods (and a drink) from other countries. But being thankful hit me differently this year. I reflected on the challenge of being thankful to the Lord in all things, rather than being thankful for certain things. 

    In 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Paul tells us that God's will for us in Christ Jesus is to rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances. Whoa. That's kinda crazy. Give thanks in all circumstances?? Even the difficult ones? Even the ones that we'd rather not go through?? Yes. Even those. But why? We talked about why a few days ago at church... 

-Our faith does not depend on our circumstances. 

-Philippians 4:6-7 tells us that we can find peace when we bring our anxiety to the Lord and exchange it for thanksgiving. Trae paz y descanso. 

-We can recognize our need for the Lord when we give thanks to him in everything. 

-It humbles us.

-It makes us depend on Jesus more. 

-It helps us to fix our eyes on the One who is faithful. The One who is constant. 

"So, I'll give thanks to God when I don't have enough

Because he's more than enough"

"I'll Give Thanks" by Housefires


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