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Sunday, October 1, 2023

Gracia a Gracia // En todos tiempos

    Of all the things I am learning and growing in here, one of the sweetest is the abundance of grace that Jesus continues to lavish upon me day to day. Through conversations, vulnerability, prayer, and scripture, I've been reminded of this important truth. I've also been reminded of how I am so in need of God's grace. 

    One powerful way of seeing God's grace is by receiving it from those around us. Forgiveness given along with second, third, and fourth chances is out of the experience of being given grace. I think it's beautiful to see and be a part of a love in community that forgives and lavishes grace on each other. 

    Being vulnerable offers something necessary towards this lesson of grace. When in community, being vulnerable shows each other that we are not alone. It shows that we are all in need of God's grace. I have learned that God's grace extends to us even when we are filled with fear. He longs for us to surrender to him, but his embrace is still there even when we hold back from him. That's a truth that I have to be constantly reminded of. A friend was open about her struggles this week, which spoke to me (and another friend!) in a way that she could not have anticipated. Being in community is so important because we can remind each other of God's abundant grace. 

A relevant verse for the week...
"'My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.' So now I am glad to boast about my weakness, so that the power of Christ can work through me."
2 Corinthians 12:9

    It's a hard lesson, but it's so good to know that God's grace is important and abundant. I am thankful for this past week and the team to remind me of these things. I hope to lean into God's grace even more instead of running away because of my unworthiness. But I know that there is grace even when I do run. That is the mind-blowing part to me: that he is still close even when I feel like running away. 

    Lastly, I'll end with a song recommendation. One that came into my repeating queue during my time with Jesus. It is called, "Times" by Tenth Avenue North. A throwback, but the lyrics still hold true. 

Here is my favorite part: 

"I hear you say 
'My love is over
It's underneath
It's inside 
It's in between
The times that you doubt me
When you can't feel
The times that you question
'Is this for real?'
The times that you're broken
The times that you mend
The times you hate me
And the times that you bend
Well, my love is over
It's underneath
It's inside
It's in between
The times that you're healing
When your heart breaks
The times that you feel like you've fallen from grace
The times you're hurting 
The times that you heal
The times you go hungry and you're tempted to steal
In times of confusion
In chaos and pain
I'm there in your sorrow under the weight of your shame
I'm there through your heartache
I'm there in the storm
My love, I will keep you by my power alone
I don't care where you've fallen
Or where you have been
I'll never forsake you 
My love never ends
It never ends'"
Some beautiful pictures of the sky. If you know me, you probably know that one of my favorites of God's creation is the sky. Sunsets, full moons that are PINK (!), sunrises, and the sun shining on the beach. Me asombra todo. Me asombra Dios. 


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