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Sunday, September 24, 2023

El principio de la Enseñanza

     The beginning of teaching English and Spanish classes has been so precious. So sweet. I have students who are all very eager to learn and be attentive in class. I've been so encouraged and motivated by their attitudes and wealth of knowledge that they already have. There have been a few things have made me happy and given me a bit of comfort for when I feel inadequate to do this. 

After my first time teaching!

    One of those things is hearing the feedback on the class and my teaching. At the end of every class, my students answer three questions to summarize their thoughts and reactions to the day's class. Many of my students have written down that they like that they have a teacher who explains the idea well and treats them well. It makes me happy to see that I am doing something right. I am glad that they seem to be enjoying the class. That's my desire for every class: that is would be a fun time of learning. 

    In my Basic English class, the main students are four women who are native Spanish speakers or nearly fluent Spanish speakers. Last week, we focused on personality traits. I had them finish class by writing a few sentences about themselves and a friend or family member. One of my students wrote down that she is "respectful, generous, and a lover of God." I was impressed that she used the words we had discussed well, but especially that she was open about her faith. I hope to meet with her individually to hear more about it. 

    In total, as of today, I have 14 students. It doesn't seem like very many, but considering that I had 4 more students than this week in my level 2 Spanish class that I did the first week, it is pretty exciting! I am looking forward to what God has planned for me and these students in my classes. I am praying every day for wisdom and patience to teach well and in a Christ-like way. I hope that they know that they are loved through our interactions and conversations. 

"See, I am doing a new thing!
    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
    and streams in the wasteland."

Isaiah 43:19 

    I think of this verse because I can see through these first couple of weeks teaching that God is doing something new. Something good and beautiful. And I am trusting in him because he is faithful! 


1 comment:

  1. Hi!!! I miss you already even only a few days after returning home. Yeah, you are kind :) <3.
