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Sunday, October 15, 2023

La clase de los niños

    So, I skipped a week of blogging because I was sick for the weekend. Despite being sick, missing out on some fun things, and falling behind on lesson planning and other important things, the last few weeks have been great! God has been doing so much here. One of those things is the kids' class that my friends and I are leading. The Lord has been guiding us through the unknown of how this class will end up going. 

    Before our first class, we kept saying how we didn't know a lot of things, like how many kids the Lord would bring or the ages of the kids. We gathered to pray a few minutes before the class. I felt strangely comforted by the assurance that we can pray to God about the unknown because he does know. He knew how many kids would come and their ages. And he knew their needs and desires. That was enough. It always is enough. God is enough for us in our planning and leading. 

     Only two kids came to our class, but we got to spend time with them and get to know them, and that was what we were there to do. We drew and presented our drawings, which were all about ourselves. I translated whenever needed, which was such a neat opportunity. They seemed to really enjoy being there. They were so precious, and I'm so glad that they came. That we got to love them and spend time with them. 
My new friend loves to draw! She drew another picture when we were all done drawing and gave it to me. (The black scribble was not hers. I edited it to take out her name. ( : )

    The next class, we thought maybe we would have more kids come, but it was just the same two kids. They came in with smiles, excited to be back. We played Jenga, Pictionary, and then read them a story while we had a snack. I read the story out loud in Spanish, which was a story by Max Lucado, called "You Are Special", which uses a story about wooden people and their maker to remind kids that what the Creator thinks of them is really what matters. As I turned the pages, I silently asked God to plant seeds in these precious children's hearts of God's great love for them. 

Our list of new words in Spanish and English!

    It's in the little precious moments that I am thankful for this opportunity that I have been given to show love to these kids. When we are simply having a good time... laughing and smiling as we draw for people to guess and try to pull out a block from the unstable tower. And when one of the kids draws a picture, hands it to me, saying, "para ti" I'm looking forward to the Wednesday evenings now, because my friends and I get to share God's immense love for these kids with them. I'm also reminded every now and then that God is in control of what we don't know and can't control. We can just take the unknown to him and ask for wisdom. He won't let us down. I want to approach every class with the question of, "What does God want us to do in the class today?"



  1. Hi!
    You're a wonderful teacher.
    Also, I miss you. ❤️

  2. You are making annimpact for the Christ. Keep Him foremost
