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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Biking around La Barceloneta

 After breakfast, we walked to this bike tour business and hopped on a bike and rode our bikes to the beach! Don't worry, I asked for a helmet. Safety first, the beach second! 

 There was a marathon going on where we were riding! We had to wait until there was a gap, and then ride really fast between the runners! 

 We rode on the boardwalk of La Barceloneta, a popular beach in Barcelona. The beach is so beautiful! I was acting like I had never seen a beach before. Ha. I had just never seen a beach in Spain yet. At one point I asked our tour guide, "Can I got touch the sand?" and he said "Okay, sure. If you want to, we can ride over there."

 So, I went and touched the sand! And the sea! More then I wanted too... the wave washed over my foot... and my sneaker was soaked. But that's okay, I got what I asked for. I took some pretty shells to take home! Yay!

 Disclaimer: I took a lot of pictures of the beach. A LOT. Get ready. I couldn't help it! It was so beautiful!! 

 These are my friends with our director, Agustina! She is from Argentina and she is so kind and cool! 

 After the beach, we rode throughout the city a little bit and found some cool parks. This was an interesting bench designed by Enric Miralles. We decided it was strangely comfortable. 

 After our long bike ride, we got a Catalan lunch at El Reloj. We had lots of little appetizers to share first and then ordered our own meals. The first dish is eggplant with red bell peppers on top. 

 This is codfish with olives and peppers on top. 

 This is bread with crushed tomato and olive oil. I actually had that for breakfast too! 

 I honestly don't remember each type of meat, but there are Iberian ham and blood sausage. 

 This is the Catalan version of Paella, called Fideua. It has noodles, oysters, shrimp, squid, and veggies. It was so delicious. However, I do regret putting so much garlic aioli sauce on it. It was way too much... 

 We had Crema Catalana for dessert, which is like Crème Brulée. 

 After lunch, and saying goodbye to everyone, Agustina and I took the metro to drop me off at the train station. The movie, "Tolkein", was playing on the train and I decided to watch it. It was really good! It was neat to see his creativity and passion for languages and writing. 

 Around 9 pm, I got back to Toledo. I unpacked everything, had dinner, and relaxed. Time for classes now. 


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