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Friday, November 1, 2019

My Adventures in France

 I woke up at 3 am on Sunday, to catch a taxi at 4 am, to be at the Madrid airport at 5 am, to catch a plane at 7 am, to get to Paris at 9 am. Oh my goodness. 

 We got a pretty and delicious almond croissant at a popular café in the airport called Lavazza. 

 This was the amazing sunrise when we boarded the plane. God is such a talented artist. His artwork amazes me every time.

 We made it to Paris!

 After dropping our stuff at our hostel, we explored Montmartre, the area in Paris that we were staying in. This is the basilica Sacré-Cœur. We did not go in, but I was satisfied with the beautiful view we got being on the outside.

 We went to this small and cute coffee shop called KB coffee roasters. I got a delicious and pretty hot chocolate, my mama got a coffee, and we shared a cake called a David cake that had icing and coconut.

 We walked up closer to the basilica and explored. There was a cool elevator thing that you can use to get up the hill instead of the stairs. We didn't use it because it costs money and we like to exercise. 

 We found this cute shop and got a sandwich for 7 euros and shared it. It had cheese, ham, and pickles. The warmth was so comforting in the cold weather. 

 This is just a cute restaurant we saw called, La Maison Rose, or the pink house. 

 Later that night, we went to the Lauren Daigle concert that we had tickets for. There were so many people waiting in line outside. We couldn't believe it! It took a while for the concert to start, but once it did, it was incredible.

 Tom Tukker opened for Lauren Daigle. I had never heard of him, but he is really cool. His voice is really awesome and authentic. He also rocks at playing the piano. My mom said he reminds her of Walker Burroughs from American Idol, and I see it too!

 And Lauren Daigle! She opened with "Rolling Stones", as I thought she would because it's the grandest and exciting song.

 I really needed this because I've missed worshipping with other people and lifting my hands, praising the Lord, like at Double Oak or Bama Wesley. I lifted my hands and praised the name of my savior, singing, "You plead my cause. You right my wrongs. You say that I'm set free. How can it be?" It was so refreshing. My God has me under his wings. He carries me.

 Then, we went back to the hostel and slept. It was wonderful.


1 comment:

  1. Ah that looks like such a fun trip! I miss getting to worship like that too.
