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Friday, November 1, 2019

My Adventures in Germany

 So, I got back from France on Monday. I had a flight to Germany three days later- yesterday morning. Yes, I am crazy. But, I get to see my friend, Paige, so that is pretty awesome! She is studying in Mannheim this semester! I'll be spending the weekend with her and going back to Spain on Sunday. 

 I was super hungry when I got to the airport, so I bought a croissant and some magdalenas at a popular restaurant called Rodilla. 

 Air Europa gave us a cute lollipop for Halloween! So cool! It feels weird not doing anything for Halloween. It's never been my favorite holiday, but I've never not done anything for it. I've always dressed up and either gone to a party or gone trick-or-treating. 

 I met Paige at the train station and we took the train to Mannheim. We spent some time in her dorm and got some lunch at the University cafeteria.  

 This is her dorm building!

 I love the trees! Fall colors!

 I got fried codfish, potato salad, a side salad, and a squash soup. I loved the soup. It tasted like fall and reminded me of the delicious soups my mama would make for me during the fall season. 

After we filled our bellies with lunch, we walked to the library to get some homework done. 

 This is where Paige goes to school! University of Mannheim is so pretty! It is a palace, or schloss, that was built in 1720 for Prince Elector Carl Phillip. 

 My friend is so sweet! She gave me a welcoming gift! It is a pack of some German chocolates. They are really good!

 This is one of her favorite spots: a canal that connects the Rhine river to the Neckar river. We got to see a bit of hte sunset before the sun completely disappeared. 

 We had grilled cheese for dinner! It was awesome because I hadn't eaten grilled cheese since summertime. 

 Today was really awesome. It was just so cool to be able to talk to and hang out with Paige. I was reminded today that God is so good. 


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