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Sunday, September 8, 2019

Nuevas Amigas

 After getting dressed and ready for the day, my roommate Gleida said we had to get a room 15A+B picture, and I said of course! I headed downstairs and breakfast, which was a piece of bread with strawberry jelly, a few slices of orange, and a more sweet, fruity piece of bread. I also felt fancy with my wine glass filled with water. 

 I talked with some friends a bit, and then we met with the directors and other students for the guided tour of Toledo. We all got on a bus, and as we went through the city, a tour guide told us the history of many of the buildings and geographical features. 

 We stopped and got off the bus at a lookout point. It had an incredible view of the city. I had no words. Just... wow. We took lots of pictures, then continued throughout the city. 

 That red circle in that picture? That's the foundation, where I'm staying and going to school. 

 Next, we walked around a bit around some old monasteries and convents and listened to the stories and history behind them. 

 Then, the tour was over! We had an awesome tour guide! She was really nice and interactive. Then, we had free time until lunch, my friends, Maggie, Heidi, Lauren, and I went exploring. There was a poetry festival going on with poem readings and vendors with books and handmade jewelry and clothes. 

There were some interesting clothes at this vendor, including a jean jacket with Frida Kahlo on the back and this jean jacket with a super cool painting that I saw at the Prado museum by Hieronymus Bosch. Hey! So, I guess you do get to see a piece of artwork from the Prado museum. Ha. 
(Please excuse this break in alignment. Google isn't being very kind right now...)

 When we found our way back to the foundation without getting lost somehow, We found that we had assigned seats at this lunch. I sat with some people I had already met before, but I was excited to talk and eat with them again. I ate chicken with a delicious broth, a pasta dish with vegetables, potatoes with tomatoes, and a few chips with a ranch dip, and bread. You can't have a Spanish meal without bread. 

 After we put our plates away, we played a game. Each person picked a piece of paper with a character or celebrity. That name has an obvious partner that had to be found. I had Minnie Mouse and I had to ask "yes" or "no" questions to find Mickey Mouse. After asking many, Minnie people if they were an animal, I finally found Mickey! And it was my roommate, Mari! We got our prize: cookies and coffee. I love that it was Mari! She is so sweet and awesome! I love talking about music and books and other random things with her. Also, she is super helpful when I make a mistake, speaking Spanish. We are always learning from each other too. She is really curious about learning words in English. I've never really been close to a roommate, so this is amazing. 

 Then, I took a nap and read a bit of one of my favorite books, The Selection. Around 8:30, we went to eat dinner. We had vegetables, meatballs, broccoli and cheese, and of course, bread. It made me miss my mom's turkey meatballs. Those are the best! 

  Now, I have classes tomorrow. Lots of classes. So, I've got to get some sleep. 


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