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Friday, September 20, 2019

Being brave is hard.

 On Thursdays, I don't have any classes. Which is great, because I can do homework and go on trips earlier for the weekend. But, my classes are going kinda slow right now and I don't have any homework. I plan on staying in the city this weekend because there is a cool festival I want to check out this weekend in Toledo. So, I had nothing planned for this Thursday. I told Mariliana, my roommate, and she said I could help her with her interview if I want. 
 My amazing roommate has a project this semester for an association she is a part of in Puerto Rico. She is basically a super cool and gorgeous news anchor, telling the students of her home university all about her adventures in Spain and our school. Today, she was to interview our sub-director, Miguel. She said all I have to do is push a button twice, to record and stop. It sounded simple enough, so I said sure! 
 We went to Miguel's apartment to film because he has a pretty awesome view on the roof. 

 Then, we went to a cafetería and I got a smoothie. No, I didn't get coffee. I'm just really picky when it comes to drinks. The smoothie was good though! And we had some good conversations! It was fun! 

 A few hours later, I went with a group of students and one of our directors on a run by a nearby river. I've never run somewhere with such an incredible view. I walked a little bit because I hadn't run since I left Alabama, but it felt so good to run again, especially while listening to the best running playlist ever (I'm a little biased since I made it, but it really is great.), being with friends, and being in Spain. My friend, Maggie and I, kept saying, "We're in Spain! We are running in Spain! How crazy is that?" 

 Then, we had a dinner where we were to meet Spaniards around our age. I'll say, I am a bit disappointed because I thought we would be matched with a Spaniard already since we had to fill out  a form of preferences and saying our hobbies. But, we had to actually be social and find our own friend to continue meeting with throughout the semester. To make a long story shorter, I didn't find a Spaniard to hang out with. I did talk with a sweet girl from Spain, but she had already found a friend for the semester. I was a bit jealous of those who found a friend, but I took a deep breath and reminded myself that it is okay. 
 After, a group of us went to walk around the city a bit. I got some delicious cookie crumble ice cream in a cone. 

 About an hour later, I was at a bar... That's not my thing, but I was there. A lot of my friends were going and invited me. I had no reason not to go except that I'm not used to it and I'm introverted. I would describe the whole thing with these words in this order: uncomfortable, fun, horrible, and thankful. 

 It was interesting, not like in the United States, but I'm not doing it again. 

 Thank you, Gleida, for being a great friend and rescuing me. 


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