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Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Chocolate from Kazakhstan

 Yesterday, I heard a knock on our door. Two friends were at the door and handed me a chocolate bar. "This is for you," Kamila said. "Oh, cool! Thank you! Wait... for me? Just because?" I replied. "Yeah, you've been so nice and helpful. We wanted to say thank you," Neila said. "Aww, it's my pleasure! I can't wait to try this." 

 Guys, I just tried the chocolate and it so so delicious! It's so sweet and creamy. It's not going to last very long. 

 A group of nine girls from Kazakhstan are staying here with us for a few weeks. They are studying at the University of Castilla-La Mancha for four years, but don't have anywhere to live right now. They speak many languages and they hope to learn Spanish here. 

 I can't imagine living in a country where you don't know the language at all. Part of the reason I came here to Spain is that it is a bit easier than going to China or Germany because I already know the language well. I've helped them learn a few words and talk to people. I also just got to know them a bit. I learned a lot about what they like to do and what the culture is like in Kazakhstan. 

 The first day I met them, I found out that Kamila plays the violin. She asked me what I like to do, and I told her I love to play instruments, like the violin and guitar. "I play violin too!" she exclaimed. She has been playing for two years. She asked me if I can tune a violin. I told her I can, but it definitely is hard and a bit nerve-wracking. The next day, after many attempts and a lot of patience, we tuned her violin. She let me play some tunes on her violin, which was amazing because I have missed playing music lately. She played a song that she has been working on for me, and I gave her a few tips on technique. It was crazy to me that I was being a violin teacher in a way. I've always seen myself as a violin student who has a long way to go, even though I've played for ten years. 

Who knew that I would meet some new friends in Kazakhstan this semester in Spain? It's so neat! Mariliana even got to practice her English with them! I helped her with a few words, but other than that she did great! They understood her well. We talked about all sorts of things such as, biodiversity in Puerto Rico, the food in Kazakhstan, religion, and learning Spanish! It has been super awesome to spend time with them. 

 Left to right: Mariliana, Neila, Kamila, Sydney (me!), Yana, and Kader 


1 comment:

  1. That is so sweet! And I agree that it is very amazing and brave of students to go to a country whose language they don’t speak and live there. Some of the international students here don’t know German, and it’s impressive that they are brave enough to come here and learn so quickly.
