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Thursday, September 12, 2019

El Festival de Luz y Sonido

 So, I haven't posted in a while, but that's because we've mostly been going to class this week. Trust me, you're not missing much. The days have been long and boring. I love my classes and professors! Really, I do. But, it's just not blog-worthy, ya know?

 But, today was special. I had no classes, but that didn't mean it was a free day for me. I had an essay to write and print, a short story to read, and a meeting to go to. 

 At night, my friends and I went to El Festival de Luz y Sonido that we had heard about a few days ago. It was at a place called, Plaza Zocodover, a popular place where people like to eat and shop. It was basically a show displayed from projectors onto this building, called Alcázar, which has a library and a museum. 

 There was a super long line to go up the stairs to the building. It was clear that this was an occasion that all the locals look forward to every year. This reminded me of going to see fireworks because it was free, there were tons of people, and the show was so well done! 

 At 10:00 pm, a countdown started for 5 minutes. Once it started, a narrator told some legends of Toledo. One legend was a love story about a poet, named Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer. It was so neat! In the end, it showed the Spain flag, and there were colors changing and flashing on the building. It was incredible! 

 Then, we walked back to the foundation because we have a trip tomorrow! Now, I've got to go pack for tomorrow and go to sleep. 


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