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Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Labor Day?

 Yesterday was an awesome last day before the flight!

 I kind of forgot that it was Labor Day. For me, it was Procrastination Day because I'm not
"anti-crastination"(Mama gets all the credit for that joke). I was getting things done that I should've done way before then. But, we did do some Labor Day-ish things. My mom sent the rest of us to the store with a list of groceries to get. I wasn't sure I should be doing this because I knew I wanted to be packing for Spain. But, I realized we were getting some chicken and steak to grill for lunch. When we got back from the store, I finished up building the Lego set Luke and I were building (Don't judge, it was for memories sake, okay?!) and smelled the delicious chicken marinated in BBQ sauce and the side of rice my mom made. They were both so good.
 Then, my adorable dog, Auggie, took a nap outside on the porch while I sat next to him and appreciated the beautiful weather.

 Soon after, my mom and I went to Steel City Pops (the best popsicle shop local to Birmingham) and got a few things at Gap and Target. I got a watch that has military time written on the inside of the face, which is great because I am horrible at telling military time even though I've heard my dad use it often.

 This day was so great because I got things done, but still had fun with my family. I'm going to miss them a lot. Also, I thought it was cool that we used Alabama white BBQ sauce and I had a Steel City Pop, two Alabama things before I leave the state. And, this sunset! 


 This morning, my mom and I drove to the Atlanta airport. Now, I am trying to be occupied while I wait for my next flight that has been delayed. One more hour left to kill... 


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