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Saturday, September 7, 2019

Toledo Hermoso

 A lot happened yesterday.

 I'll just start from the beginning.

 I actually woke up on time for breakfast yesterday! I had lots of time until I had to meet my director to head for Toledo, so that helped. It was really good. It was a little bit like an American hotel's breakfast, but with different foods, no waffle maker, and a lot more neat and organized. I made an egg sandwich with tomato and ham.

 Then, I walked around the streets of Madrid and got a few things at a souvenir shop. At first, I didn't really want to go there because I didn't want to seem like a tourist, but they actually have some cool things there sometimes! I got a tiny little notebook to write new vocabulary in and some gifts for friends.

 Next, I met my director in the hotel and we left for the taxi with my luggage. We soon arrived at a plaza where I met the staff of the foundation, or university, that I'll be at. I said goodbye to Señor Jaume and walked toward the bus. I was a little nervous about finding a seat on the bus because there were already a lot of students sitting down, and they all seemed to know each other. I picked a seat and sat down, then introduced myself to the people behind me.

 I also met a girl next to me, named Maggie and we ended up talking for a long time. She is from Minnesota and she is really cool. The view from the bus as we traveled to Toledo was beautiful. It took about 45 minutes, then we were in Toledo!

 We dropped off our suitcases off at the dorms, then we had lunch! I was so hungry that I forgot to take a picture of the meal, so sorry about that. It was a chicken breast roasted squash, zucchini, and onions.

 We had a bit of time before we had to meet for a tour, so after lunch, my friend, Maggie, and I walked around the building and discovered some cool places. We found a classroom with an upstairs that has windows that open to an amazing view of Toledo! It was fun walking around the building with her!

 Then, we met for the tour, which we found out was a tour of the building... so we went around to classrooms and living rooms again! But, this time we got a better description and rules of the place. Then, I had a bit of free time, so I went to my room to put clothes and other things away. I realized that I had left my converter for my phone and laptop charger at the hotel I was at in Madrid, so I planned on asking someone about what to do about that.

 While I was putting things away, my roommates came in and I got to meet them for the first time! Their names are Mariliana and Gleida. They are from Puerto Rico and they are super nice!

 I went to go ask about the converter, and someone told me I can use one from the school for now, so that's awesome. I also saw that some other students wanted to search for a supermarket to get a few things. I decided to go along for the journey to get some things too. It was kind of crazy. We tried to follow the map we were given but had to ask a local Toledano for directions.

 When I got back, I finished up with arranging my things in the room and get to know my roommates a little better. We went to dinner, and I... forgot to take a picture again. For dinner, I had a fried fish fillet (the lady told me the name of the fish, but I forgot... she said it was popular in Spain.), a tomato with cream and zucchini, some mixed vegetables, a piece of bread, and water.

 After dinner, I went with my roommates and some other students who are also from Puerto Rico to go exploring. That's basically what we did. We just walked around. Oh! But, there was also this neat festival, called Voix Vives (French for live voices), where there was music, poem reading, and art and books being sold. It was so cool! I could've stayed there forever. But, we walked around more and that was fun too. We were on the search for fruit because Gleida really wanted some papaya. But, sadly, a lot of the markets we found were closed. Then, headed back to the foundation to sleep!

A restaurant called Mr. Myagi! Had to get a picture because it's from my mom's favorite movie, Karate Kid!

 And I just liked the lettering of this sign at the store!


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