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Monday, September 2, 2019

Hacer Las Maletas

 Ugghhh. Packing is hard. I want to pack everything. But, at the same time, I want to pack nothing. I need a balance between the two because I want to leave room in my suitcase for the things I'll bring back home with me.

Seventeen. That's how many shoes I laid out on the floor of my room to narrow down to a few to fit in my suitcase of limited space. Why do I have seventeen shoes, to begin with? 
 Eventually, I ended up with only a few pairs that I would bring, along with some shirts and bottoms for both warm and cold weather. 

 I love wearing jewelry! And I often feel like I have too much of it. So, I had to pick a few pairs of earrings, necklaces, and bracelets to bring. A cool trick I found on Youtube is to thread necklaces through a straw so they don't get tangled as they hang out in their temporary home of a suitcase. I tried it and hopefully, it works! Have you heard of this before?

 I'm also taking this cute over-the-shoulder purse (that I'm pretty sure my Aunt Jennifer gave me a long time ago... Thank you Aunt Jennifer!) to use as I walk around the city. My mom says it looks like it is from Spain. Do you see it? I can kind of see it! It just has that vibe, you know? 

 This awesome, new backpack (that somehow grew wings?) is coming along with me for adventures. It is mainly for the really long flight to Spain. It will have a change of clothes, books for reading, toothpaste and toothbrush (because the flight will be overnight and I don't think it would be a good idea to meet new people at the orientation, smelling like a dragon), my passport, a water bottle (Don't worry. It'll be empty to begin with. I know it can't go through TSA when filled.), and other fun things.

 Well, I am off to get a watch and get a treat from Steel City Pops before summer officially ends for me. I leave tomorrow for Spain... whaaaat? That's so crazy! Ready or not! Hopefully ready. I'll be packing a few more random things tonight and tomorrow morning... probably running around like a crazy person. 
 Hope you enjoyed reading about the random things I had to say about my packing experience. Any suggestions or comments? I'd love to read about it! And I think it would be cool to make this blog interactive in the future... 

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